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Rheumatoid and US!!

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Monday, August 22, 2011

Rheumatologist and you

Well, it that time of the month again.....when I go to see my Rheumy on Wed. and then another Dr. on Thurs. I don't really mind going and seeing him. Truly I don't but, that office wait kills me. I get stiff and have already read every magazine they got and the t.v. is on the health channel, you know the one that shows stuff over and over again, until you memorize the lines yourself. GRRRRRRRR....Anyway, he is really good, if not for that I would certainly be on the look for someone else. Remember, if your not happy with your Dr., you can fire him and get someone else, but be sure that you have one lined up before you fire the one you got.(Don't want to run our of meds).I did go to a Dr. (Rheumy) that if you weren't seen in 30 of your arrival then they wanted to know, I never ever had to wait over 30 minutes, and let's face it, in this day and age that's not long. But, he moved to another city and we lost out. Hopefully he will be moving back very soon.How do you guys feel about the waiting time at your Dr.'s office? Is it very long? Do you have a good relationship with him?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


How many of you suffer with depression?? I do and in a big way. I have done nothing but go downhill, since I got this awful disease; and I  feel lower than a sqeeters tweeter. It is an awful feeling, to know that something can have such a hold on your life. But, there is a bible verse that encourages me and I chose to  share it with you...Psalm 30:5  Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. This gives me such encouragement. I pray that it will bless you soul as much as it has mine. I want to encourage as much as you guys encourage me.I know that it is hard I know that when things seem to be the bleakest, that is when you reach for God and know that He is gonna carry you thru. I am currently on 2 antidepressants and just lost my father, so I feel sure they will up that a notch. But they do help, and if you need help with it; I strongly suggest that you get something. If u don't have insurance, it's still ok, remember when it was new? It was $100.00 a bottle, now Walmart has it for  4.00. Nope, not kidding. It has been a God send for me. So please if you are depressed over this, don't let it get you down any more than you already are. Get help. In most cities they have places that will help people with no insurance, it is just a matter of finding it.If you want to feel free to share with us, what city you are in and where do you go for help. Thanks and C u next week. Smooches.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Rheumatoid and US!!: Rheumatoid and US!!: When it hits you....

Rheumatoid and US!!: Rheumatoid and US!!: When it hits you....: "Rheumatoid and US!!: When it hits you.... : 'You know when it first hits you, that aching hand, foot or shoulder, maybe even the knuckles in..."

Friday, July 15, 2011

The joys of Methotrexate

How many of you are on Methotrexate??? Don't you just love it??(side effects). I mean how can you beat losing your hair, nauseated, etc. All in the name of Rheumatoid Arthritis.Of course, you are taking it with you handful of other meds. I told my husband recently that it was to enhance the experience. LOL. How many of you are on the shots and how many take it by mouth? I didn't even realize that you could take it by shot until recently. I thought that everyone took it by mouth.I am on 2 a week myself, the most I have ever been on is 6 a week. I can't tell that has ever helped me, what about you? How long have you been on it? Has anyone discussed if there is a certain length of time that we can be on it? Does anyone know.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Rheumatoid and US!!: When it hits you....

Rheumatoid and US!!: When it hits you....: "You know when it first hits you, that aching hand, foot or shoulder, maybe even the knuckles in your fingers; of course you think that you s..."