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Rheumatoid and US!!

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Monday, August 22, 2011

Rheumatologist and you

Well, it that time of the month again.....when I go to see my Rheumy on Wed. and then another Dr. on Thurs. I don't really mind going and seeing him. Truly I don't but, that office wait kills me. I get stiff and have already read every magazine they got and the t.v. is on the health channel, you know the one that shows stuff over and over again, until you memorize the lines yourself. GRRRRRRRR....Anyway, he is really good, if not for that I would certainly be on the look for someone else. Remember, if your not happy with your Dr., you can fire him and get someone else, but be sure that you have one lined up before you fire the one you got.(Don't want to run our of meds).I did go to a Dr. (Rheumy) that if you weren't seen in 30 of your arrival then they wanted to know, I never ever had to wait over 30 minutes, and let's face it, in this day and age that's not long. But, he moved to another city and we lost out. Hopefully he will be moving back very soon.How do you guys feel about the waiting time at your Dr.'s office? Is it very long? Do you have a good relationship with him?